This project begins as a reflection on the role of the image in our time.
At first glance, when looking at the works we have the perception of a harmonious and orderly whole that recalls the geometries of mandalas.
In fact the effect obtained is the fruit of manipulations and falsifications: as we look for single details in those potentially endlessly repeated geometries we encounter pieces of reality that has been cancelled; the intent is to provide moments of reflection on the image overdose to which we are constantly subject.
Going backwards we get to delve into the maze of the artwork, discovering unexpected and countless interpretations: there we can find scattered body parts, fragments of daily memory such as household items, toys, medicines, cut-outs of images etc.
Every single image gets lost, its specificity vanishes, its shape breaks down and gets put back together in its own reflection. And it’s precisely through the reflection of those various images, one next to the other with variable angles and positions; it’s through the image of the image, through the reproduction of the reproduction that an order of the whole is put together. Every fragment fits into the others, creating entirely new figures and chromatisms, losing every link to reality, from which everything had started.
The outcome of this procedure are rolls of printed fabrics that will be partly sold by the foot, depending on the dimensions required by the purchaser.
From this point on everyone is free to interpret the artwork autonomously, using it as they please; or they can simply choose completed works such as clothes or canvas that are already part of the project.
The purpose is twofold: on one hand expose how in contemporary society art, the creative moment, is in fact cancelled, reduced to the function of reorganizing pre-established images aimed merely towards the production of objects; on the other hand however, it is also an invitation to reclaim the sense of invention (ours and others), refusing its misuse imposed beforehand, and experimenting freely instead any possible daily use.